
To make a difference in the world, management scholars who work on sustainability need to reach out and communicate their insights to broader audiences. The outreach award honors researchers who do this particularly well.

The winner(s) will receive a prize of $500 and a plaque at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Their research insights and outreach strategy will be featured in the newsletter of the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) and on the Outreach Award website. In addition, the finalists will be invited to a special session at the SIM-ONE junior faculty consortium to talk about their outreach activities.

The outreach activities must be based on a single paper published (or accepted for publication) within the last five years in a peer reviewed journal (please note that some high-profile journals, such as the Stanford Social Innovation Review, are not peer reviewed). For the 2025 award, the paper must have been published (or accepted for publication) between 2020 and 2024. The paper must focus on issues covered by the ONE and SIM divisions, but the applicants do not need to be a member of these divisions.

Applications can come from individuals or co-author teams. All applicants must be co-authors on the paper on which the outreach activities are based. However, applications do not need to include all co-authors if some have done most or all of the outreach activities. Being a co-author on the paper on which the outreach activities are based is thus a necessary but not sufficient condition for being part of the application.

Given that authors may expand their outreach activities over time, authors can re-apply with the same paper up to three times as long as the paper was published in the five years prior to the deadline (for example, for a paper published in 2022, someone could apply, say, in 2024, 2025, and 2027).

The winner will be determined in a two-step selection process. In the first step, the pre-selection jury will narrow down all submissions to the 5-7 best submissions. In the second step, these 5-7 submissions will be evaluated by a jury of senior ONE and SIM scholars who will select the winner and potentially a runner-up.

Outreach activities will be judged based on content and form. Content relates to how effectively researchers have translated their academic insights so that that are meaningful and relevant for a broader audience. Form refers to how well researchers have chosen and utilized communication channels to reach their target audience.